Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / X factor in ending scores

X factor in ending scores
23:51:46 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

Looking at the scores, the #2 guy has better stats than the #1 guy.

The #5 guy has incredible stats, yet he is not #1 or even #4 .. he is down the list for some reason. This means there must be something other than wins, kills, towns or armies that decides the chart (assuming there isn't a bug in the chart?).

<Mielo> I won more battles
<Mielo> zegt:
<Mielo> yeh, but he chosed harder fights

This is the only explanation I can see. If you win a merge fight at 55% do you get more "score" than if you win it at 100%? Is that what "harder fights" signify?

How should we play the next era in order to win "harder fights"?

23:54:35 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Bran:

we need to use less troops.. that therefore gives us better scores... everybody lower your games!

23:56:19 May 22nd 09 - Commander Aligreat:

training better troops might be the key, who is to say those 6.6mil troops arent 95% lvl 1?

only turnip knows what they are

23:59:40 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

its pretty unlikely they were lvl 1.. but even if they were.. level 1 is supposed to give 1 point, lvl2 2 points, and lvl5 give 5 points. none of that would explain why he would get a #5 spot and not say #4. I mean the #4 guy has only 300k troops compared to his 6.6 mil troops.

00:01:55 May 23rd 09 - Commander Aligreat:

its never been as linear as that rox. Naz have always given good points, but not worth their gold.

Zerks were the best lvl 5 unit for points if i remember right. Then catas i think. Although i dont think we worked out what a archy was worth. I think catas worked out at 21 or 22 times a gaia.

Farmers and gaia are worth less than 1 are they not?

00:03:36 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

yeah farmers and gaias were .25 points. but you saw zetas words about "harder fights". thats the only unknown here really, and it would be nice to know what a "harder fight" is in VU.

00:13:03 May 23rd 09 - VU Admin:

You got one xp point for each battle if the defender was strong enough (5000dp). The xp counts higher then the wins in the ending scores.

This will most likely be changed for next era though.

(Gold does not count in the high-score)

00:17:52 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

Thanks for the reply.

Did I understand this correctly, killing a 1 million blocker gives 1 xp point, and killing a town with 500 elf archers in it, gives 1 xp point?

00:28:03 May 23rd 09 - Commander Aligreat:

or does that mean u got 1 exp for every 5000 DP killed?

00:28:13 May 23rd 09 - Lady Quietone:

you dont kill a 1 million troop blocker on your own....why would that deserve more exp Rox?

00:31:47 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

"deserve" has nothing to do with it. my magetown had 1 million mages in it, that could be killed with 5k naz. zeta was explaining how xp was earned, lets hear the man respond.

00:33:34 May 23rd 09 - Lady Quietone:

I was asking a simple question as to why you were asking, it didnt need a sarcastic response...ffs

00:34:25 May 23rd 09 - VU Admin:

Mr. Roxbury: Did I understand this correctly, killing a 1 million blocker gives 1 xp point, and killing a town with 500 elf archers in it, gives 1 xp point?

That is correct.

00:34:29 May 23rd 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Y0u can easily kill a 1million gaia blocker by your own....

00:35:56 May 23rd 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

perhaps its army exp points?

anyways,  i had a shizton of zerks, didn't hardly train mages at all...  i know death had lots of mages in his armies. 

00:36:54 May 23rd 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

careful zeta, you just opened the can of feeding worms now.  What to stop allied kd from *beep*ming 10k dp armies at a 500k army to slaughter..


00:50:06 May 23rd 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

VU Admin


19:13:03 May 22nd 09
This will most likely be changed for next era though.

01:04:14 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Ninjas Theyre Everywhere:

Gold also counts in the high-score.

O.o why is gold used in calculation of highscore????

04:51:48 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Innovator:

:P donno, wealth? lol... wealth has a significant role in real life in calculating how well a person is doing in life, why not vu? :P ... weve known this for a while now too... thats why most people save their gold last 24-48 hrs :P lol

12:09:40 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Turnip:

so basically fighting any enemy over 5k DP is pointless as it gains the same level of victory? which again shows that going out bashing *beep*s was the key to victory.

it really does seem to show how people ranked higher than me then as i was only engaged with fighting large armies pffft

13:13:16 May 23rd 09 - Lord Primate Death:

You have 12228359 gold, 154913177 stone, 9456046 tree and 3438232 food.
Each science level will give a 10% bonus.
Total: +15,686,822 +472,714 +6,476,363 +1,045,970 2,201,267

Army Upkeep: -1,603,660

Building Upkeep: -1,835,613

Total Income: +12,247,549

Thats how I finished, with around 100-120k nazzies, probably equal Ogres, and mages at roughly 8:1 ratio.

13:15:30 May 23rd 09 - Lord Primate Death:

I bought 8 science Levels in the last day, farming and forestry and a few meds. Probably should have kept the gold instead now in hindsight

13:16:41 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Seloc:

looks you me like the final score is multiplied by kills over troops in total.

14:29:24 May 23rd 09 - VU Admin:

A correction: Gold was not calculated in the high scores this era.

16:28:44 May 23rd 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

A correction: Gold was not calculated in the high scores this era.

Oh, my god. So I saved up gold for nothing? Great...

17:11:39 May 23rd 09 - Prince Mielo:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahhaa, serves you right wilberwhore :)

23:53:51 May 23rd 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

i saved gold for nothing
when did that change oh mighty VU Admin who posts improvements in the update forum, or not as it would seem

00:00:40 May 24th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

You have 860052873 gold, 7436229 stone, 3022985 tree and 3742693 food.

00:03:13 May 24th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:


17:14:20 May 24th 09 - Sir Thomaas:


I spent all my gold on pumping Ogres and HT the last three days :P

18:20:31 May 25th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

lol i had 100M gold stocks from StG, damnnit! shoulda built *beep* instead...

04:44:53 May 26th 09 - Mr. Opportunity:

Lol i built and trained. :)

14:04:49 May 27th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

blegh then again.... i trained every single pez i had into swordies so dont matter.

04:02:19 May 29th 09 - Sir Fever:

dammit i could have trained around 2mill swords withe th money i had =.=

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